The 2023 after Christmas Party was held on Jan 14th in Braselton Ga. We had a nice turnout with plenty of good food to eat. As always, the white elephant gift exchange was a lot of fun with many interesting gifts.
We also had our first meeting to kick off the new year. After 4 successful years as club president, Steve Harrison introduced Suzanne Newsom as the new club president. Suzanne spent most of last year as the club vice-president. Also many thanks to Gary Dyck and Richard Rider for devoting their time as board members over the last two years.
Matt Gaffney will assume the role as vice-president and Will Lippman is the new secretary.
Below Steve Harrison awards the President’s Pin to Gary and Kim. Suzanne takes home a nice chrome mustang and Steve has some new models to build. Just a couple of items from the gift exchange.
Steve Introduces Suzanne as the new president and Gary presents an appreciation gift to Jan and Steve for all the hard work they have put in over the last 4 years.
Also the beautiful 69 Mach1 belonging to Gary and Linda Plate was selected as the February Car of the Month.