Due to being in the direct path of Hurricane Helene, the Hiawassee Show has been rescheduled for Saturday October 5.
Gates will open at 8:30. Registration closes at 12:00 with awards at 2:30.
The Friday Cruise and Registration are cancelled for this year.
If you have ordered T-Shirts and cant pick them up on October 5th, let us know if you would like for us to ship the shirts to you. (provide shipping info)
This year the featured model will be 64.6-66 Mustangs.
There are 12 classes with Top 5 awards and there will be 6 Best of show awards.
Pre-Registration for the Hiawassee show will close at 7:00pm on Thursday October 3.
Registration will increase to $35 on the day of the show and is open from 8:30 to 12:00
Please let us know at Registration if you are parking with your club.
Drive past the main entrance to the registration tent located behind the Music Hall to pickup pre-registration materials or to register your car. You will then be directed into the show venue. See Map below.
T-Shirt Pickup and Sales are located in a booth near the main entrance to the fairgrounds. Spectator and Trailer parking are also shown on the map. Please unload trailers at the top of the parking area and drive your car to registration.

Registration: Continue straight through the Road Covering and past the Main Entrance and past the Music Hall. Turn left and loop around to the registration table. Spectator and Trailer Parking: Go through the Road Covering and take an immediate right into the parking area. Trailing Parking is at the top of the hill.