NEGMC February 2025 Member Meeting/Lunch

What a turnout the Club had for its 2nd Member Meeting of 2025. Our host, this month, was our most recent Diamond Sponsor, Mr. Dan Panoz of Panoz, LLC, makers of some beautiful exotic sports and race cars in the heart of North Georgia, in Hoschton (Braselton), GA. Dan and some of the Panoz employees welcomed us and provided the perfect venue for our Club Meeting. Tours were also given of the on-site museum and manufacturing facility. The meeting was also highlighted with guest speaker, Mr. Reggie Triggs of Summit Racing Equipment (another of our Club’s Diamond Sponsors), discussing our partnership and highlights of his own special memories as a Mustang owner and enthusiast. Both Dan and Reggie brought their gorgeous 1st Generation Fastbacks to the meeting also.

A great time was had by all, as over 40 members, spouses, and sponsors were in attendance at this great new venue; many bringing out their beautiful “rides” for the first time this year! After our meeting, a majority of the Club drove into Braselton to enjoy a delicious lunch at Jack’s Public House, who were kind enough to accommodate such a large group.

Additional topics of discussion at the meeting included planning and recruiting volunteers for our 22nd Annual Spring Regional Car Show (also to be held at Panoz this year), our Picnic at Amicalola Falls in July, a possible trip to the Tail of the Dragon, our All-Ford Show in Hiawassee, GA in September, and a Fall Foliage cruise in early November. You might not want to miss some of these events, and we’d love to have you join us.

Our next meeting will also be held at the Panoz Museum on March 29th at 10:30am. Join us for some fun and refreshments as we discuss and vote on our sponsored charities for 2025, amongst other typical topics of discussion. If you’ve considered joining our Club, this would be a perfect opportunity to meet many of us in person and see what all the hype is about!

February 2023 Club Meeting

Thanks to the West Jefferson Fire Department Station 1 for hosting us on Sunday. The meeting was followed by a late lunch at El Centinela in Braselton which is also now a club sponsor.

Welcome to new members Jake Johnson, DJ DuVan and Rob Thompson that attended the meeting.

Here are a few of the members cars. Kevin Evans’ Falcon was selected by the Firefighters as their favorite.

2023 After Christmas Party

The 2023 after Christmas Party was held on Jan 14th in Braselton Ga. We had a nice turnout with plenty of good food to eat. As always, the white elephant gift exchange was a lot of fun with many interesting gifts.

We also had our first meeting to kick off the new year. After 4 successful years as club president, Steve Harrison introduced Suzanne Newsom as the new club president. Suzanne spent most of last year as the club vice-president. Also many thanks to Gary Dyck and Richard Rider for devoting their time as board members over the last two years.

Matt Gaffney will assume the role as vice-president and Will Lippman is the new secretary.

Below Steve Harrison awards the President’s Pin to Gary and Kim. Suzanne takes home a nice chrome mustang and Steve has some new models to build. Just a couple of items from the gift exchange.

Steve Introduces Suzanne as the new president and Gary presents an appreciation gift to Jan and Steve for all the hard work they have put in over the last 4 years.

Also the beautiful 69 Mach1 belonging to Gary and Linda Plate was selected as the February Car of the Month.

Gateway Cruise-In and Meeting

Here are some of the photos taken by Ronn at our meeting held at Gateway Classic Cars.

NEGMC December Meeting & Toys for Tots Shopping Event – Cleveland, GA (12.04.21)

We will have our next meeting at Jackie Jones Ford in Cleveland, GA after the Toys for Tots shopping event which is scheduled for December 4th.

We will be cruising from Quick Trip at 3446 Mundy Mill Rd, Gainesville, GA 30507 (close to the intersection of 985 and Hwy 53) leaving promptly at 8:30 am to arriving at the Walmart in Cleveland, GA (260 Donald E Thurmond Pkwy, Cleveland, GA 30528) shortly before 10:00 am.

After we shop and display the toys at Jacky Jones Ford, we will have our December club meeting at the dealership.

If you want to meet us at Walmart, we plan on arriving before 10:00 am.

Wear your blue club T-shirts and bring chairs for the meeting

NEGMC February Meeting & Cruise (02.20.21)

Our first meeting for 2021 was a huge success. We had close to 40 people in attendance and 15 cars on the cruise. We discussed many things happening with the club and how well the membership is going. As of today we have 104 members, way ahead of last years membership on this date. We also went over the calendar that was sent out prior to the meeting and the events we plan on attending this year. We have 16 members that answered my email stating they were attending the MCA event at Road Atlanta in April.
Three new members attended the meeting, Nathan Jenkins, Chris Ring and Tim Ochipa. Welcome to the club!
The new board members were introduced, Shirley Rider Treasurer and Gary Dyck Secretary.
The annual awards were handed out to members that achieved over 100 points that are necessary to receive pins. There were 14 recipients this year.

  • Kim Gamble
  • Will Lippman
  • Ronn Lippman
  • Henry Gosnell
  • Keith Corkern
  • Richard Rider
  • Emily Priebe
  • Suzanne Newsom
  • Georgianna Schmidt
  • Rick Schmidt
  • Steve Harrison
  • James Price
  • Gary Dyck
  • Dan Capps

The three Prestige Award winners were:

  • Henry Gosnell – 641/2 – 1978 Mustang
  • Rick Schmidt – 1979 – 2004 Mustang
  • Suzanne Newsom 2005 – 2020 Mustang

Take a look at the awards program on the NEGMC website to see how you can receive your pin or win the Prestige Award this year. The awards program will be reset starting with this meeting going forward.
The cruise was awesome, as always, thanks to Gary Dyck for planning our route. We managed to stay together throughout the cruise, which made the cruise even more fun. Ronn and Will were able to take some incredible pictures. Their Mustang was running very strong as Ronn passed everyone while Will was taking pictures of all the cars on Hwy 365. As we drove through Helen people were taking pictures of our cars. It’s always fun to see a string of Mustangs coming down the road. What a a great day to cruise as we were not the only club out for the day. We saw a Corvette club and passed a 4Runner club out cruising, as well.
Don’t forget to sign up for the March show at YEARONE on Motosho. Also if you haven’t renewed your membership, go to the NEGMC website to register.
Please click on the highlighted areas above to view and sign up for the different items I discussed.
The car of the month is a white 1966 GT Fastback belonging to one of the new members, Nathan Jenkins. Congratulations!